Our Mascots

Our Mascots
These are the happy people

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Isn't it amazing how the kids are smarter than the adults.  A high school senior has written a book called "One Size Does Not Fit All".  In the book he advocates for project based learning because he says it is a method that recognizes the differences in students but that administrators do not like it because it is "messy".  Indeed it is messy.  But good instruction is messy.  The new Common Core Standards are certainly lofty goals, but they are again a one size fits all.  There is no consideration for the multiple talents of young people.  The assumption is that if we pour more academic learning into students, somehow they will be better.  There are many skills students need to learn in school and we need to wake up and realize that academic achievement is just one of those skills.

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